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Build an HTML element creation utility ⚡

⚡ Zeus

⚡ Zeus allows you to create HTML elements and set their attributes in a completely different manner – all at once! Zeus allows you to create HTML elements and set their attributes in a completely different manner – all at once! 🦅


First, get ⚡ Zeus 🦅 by doing any of the following:

  • download the source code from zeus.js,
  • download the minified source code from zeus.min.js,
  • download the release package from zeus which contains both the original and minified source code – use only one of two .js files.

Next, import it into your project, e.g.

<script src="script/zeus.js"></script>

<!-- or -->

<script src="script/zeus.min.js"></script>

Then, just call zeus() when you need to easily create your cool HTML elements, that’s it! 🦸‍♂️

// the redundant use of both the className and id is for illustration purposes only

// so, instead of using
// ❌
const span = document.createElement('span') = 'my-new-span'
span.className = 'test'
span.innerHTML = 'Hello world'

// or even worse, with setAttribute() 😱
// ❌
const span = document.createElement('span')
span.setAttribute('id', 'my-new-span')
span.setAttribute('class', 'test')
span.innerHTML = 'Hello world'

// use this instead
// ✅
const span = zeus('span', {
  id: 'my-new-span',
  className: 'test',
  innerHTML: 'Hello world'

// returns <span id="my-new-span" class="test">Hello world</span>